Saturday, March 12, 2016

Atlas Hugged: Pandering to Progressive Millenials as a Way to Promote the Warfare State

A Guest Contribution by Nick O. Tyme

Some boys plead for their father to get the girl toy with their happy meal. Some get beat for asking, others get grudging acceptance, but an ever growing number of kids have fathers who wish to promote alternative lifestyles. No kid should ever face abuse for their sexuality.  That is abhorrent.  Homosexuality should be accepted by every average Joe Camel father.  They also shouldn’t vote Republican, but neither regressive-minded action is soon to cease. Social progressivism is the new trend like skinny jeans that show mammaltoe (male camel toe). By urging liberal-minded young boys to explore their feminine side a small segment of the population is given solace, a much larger portion of children are confused and embarrassed, and the Budweiser-chugging, fag-damaging, wife-beating portion of the white underclass gets a scapegoat. If you imagine a boy of 8 being encouraged to explore his sexuality with a neighbor girl and are disgusted, then the same goes for a father asking his son if he and Andy are experimenting.  Alternative lifestyles should not be promoted.  Promotion destroys equality among lifestyles.

I think I have outlined a good defense of Russia’s ban on homosexual propaganda. Most young folk today do not wish to understand the mindset of the average vodka-swilling, borscht-sucking, caviar-snorting Sergei Smirnoff.  The problem is he is head of the Kremlin. The hijacking of gay and women’s rights movements is a perfect tactic to push enlightened young liberals into hating Russian people—not just their government. Documentaries have surfaced showing Russians beating up and humiliating gay youth, but the same could happen in Kansas. Pussy Riot engaged in a very public and laudable insurrectionary protest disturbance and the West cheered them on. Femen protesters are topless (hot and empowering!) and have impersonated police officers when shirted.  If any group went this far against the status quo in the U.S., they would be dead, or at least be severely beaten ala Occupy.

We must have the courage to look in the mirror when judging other countries. Our government does everything we accuse others of doing.  The government brutalizes its own citizens when the police harass, entrap, and murder blacks, and when it wages perpetual war everywhere by exploiting them.  The postmodern liberal cannot understand economics and the mental and moral decomposition of a war veteran, but they can recognize a rainbow and some tits.  After progressive millenials allow their sociopathic roommate of a government to forcibly hatefuck the rest of the world, they can keep warm in the blanket of social justice self satisfaction, and think to themselves; “Those bitches deserved it.”   

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